Release Notes

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Release Notes

PhixFlow new features and fixes are described in release notes. Each release has a version number with the format X.Y.Z, for example 7.6.3. Numbers ending in zero, for example 7.6.0, indicates a major release with significant changes. If Z is 1 or more, it indicates a minor release that contains security updates and bug fixes.

This page includes the release notes (most recent first):

To find information from previous release notes, see the Release help space, or search.

Release 7.7.4

This page is for PhixFlow users and administrators. It describes the improvements and fixes in PhixFlow version 7.7.4. This release is contains updates to resolve security risks. PhixFlow recommends that you upgrade to this release as soon as possible.

Installing or Upgrading

To install a new PhixFlow instance, follow the standard installation instructions.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance:

  1. Backup all non-stream data tables, that is all tables except those whose names begin with a 'Z'.
  2. Check if your installation is using any of the discontinued features listed below. All data related to these features will be removed by the upgrade process.
  3. Check Compatibility Guide and Upgrade Planning for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions.
  4. Follow the Standard Upgrade Instructions plus the special instructions for the intermediate releases listed in Compatibility Guide and Upgrade Planning.

Special Instructions

There are no special instructions for PhixFlow version 7.7.4.


PhixFlow and its libraries have been updated to maintain security
(Internal reference numbers: DEV-5690, DEV-5698, DEV-5699, DEV-5713, DEV-5718, DEV-5719)

Release 7.7.3

This page is for PhixFlow users and administrators. It describes the improvements and fixes in PhixFlow version 7.7.4. This release is contains updates to resolve security risks. PhixFlow recommends that you upgrade to this release as soon as possible.

Installing or Upgrading

To install a new PhixFlow instance, follow the standard installation instructions.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance:

  1. Backup all non-stream data tables, that is all tables except those whose names begin with a 'Z'.
  2. Check if your installation is using any of the discontinued features listed below. All data related to these features will be removed by the upgrade process.
  3. Check Compatibility Guide and Upgrade Planning for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions.
  4. Follow the Standard Upgrade Instructions plus the special instructions for the intermediate releases listed in Compatibility Guide and Upgrade Planning.

Special Instructions

There are no special instructions for PhixFlow version 7.7.4.


PhixFlow and its libraries have been updated to maintain security
(Internal reference numbers: DEV-5690, DEV-5698, DEV-5699, DEV-5713, DEV-5718, DEV-5719)

Release 7.7.2

This page is for PhixFlow users and administrators. It describes the improvements and fixes in PhixFlow version 7.7.4. This release is contains updates to resolve security risks. PhixFlow recommends that you upgrade to this release as soon as possible.

Installing or Upgrading

To install a new PhixFlow instance, follow the standard installation instructions.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance:

  1. Backup all non-stream data tables, that is all tables except those whose names begin with a 'Z'.
  2. Check if your installation is using any of the discontinued features listed below. All data related to these features will be removed by the upgrade process.
  3. Check Compatibility Guide and Upgrade Planning for changes to the system requirements or supported database versions.
  4. Follow the Standard Upgrade Instructions plus the special instructions for the intermediate releases listed in Compatibility Guide and Upgrade Planning.

Special Instructions

There are no special instructions for PhixFlow version 7.7.4.


PhixFlow and its libraries have been updated to maintain security
(Internal reference numbers: DEV-5690, DEV-5698, DEV-5699, DEV-5713, DEV-5718, DEV-5719)

Release 7.7.1

PhixFlow version 7.7.1 contains improvements and bug fixes, as listed below.

Installation and Upgrade

To install a new PhixFlow instance, follow the standard installation instructions.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance:

  1. First review Compatibility Guide and Upgrade Planning to check any changing requirements for database versions etc.
  2. Follow the Standard Upgrade Instructions plus any special instructions for all intermediate releases listed in Compatibility Guide and Upgrade Planning.

Sections on this page

Features and Improvements

Context Parameters

Context Parameters can now be dragged between Stream Actions, copying the parameter name and expression contained within.

Excel Templates

Excel Templates now more fully support Excel formulae, they're copied in to new rows (with references updated) when new rows are added as part of an Excel File Export.

Bug Fixes

Stream View Component

Fixed an issue where deleting a background filter on a Stream View Component also deleted the Stream View Component.


Fixed bug where an action configured to close the parent dashboard and open a post dashboard only closes the dashboard and does not reopen it when the parent and post dashboards are the same.

Editable Grids

Fixed Drop Downs in editable grid columns sometimes updating the wrong cell.


The installer no longer generates a large volume of info/debug messages in startup.

Log Files

Fixed a bug where Task Plan - Show Log Files did not work.

Configuration Export

Fixed a bug that could prevent a full configuration export.

Release 7.7.0

PhixFlow version 7.7.0 contains improvements in the areas of performance, usability improvements, and bug fixes, as listed below.

Installation and Upgrade

To install a new PhixFlow instance, follow the standard installation instructions.

To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance:

  1. First review Compatibility Guide and Upgrade Planning to check any changing requirements for database versions etc.
  2. Follow the Standard Upgrade Instructions plus any special instructions for all intermediate releases listed in Compatibility Guide and Upgrade Planning.

Mandatory: Upgrade to Java 1.8.0_151 or later and ensure that Java is configured to allow unlimited-strength security; see Install Java for details.

Warning: In previous versions of PhixFlow there was an in-built default of 2 decimal places for displaying some numbers. This no longer exists. If you wish re-create this default, please set Default Decimal Places to 2 on System Configuration, if it isn't already set. 

Features and Improvements


System Administration

There is now a "Suspend all processing for non admin users" option in System Configuration. This can be used to prevent users running Analysis, Task Plans, Stream Actions and Rollback. This may be useful when resources are going to be unavailable, to prevent failed Stream Sets.

Sections on this page

User Group Administrators

It is now possible to configure certain users to be administrators for specific user groups. These group administrators are allowed to manage which users can access their groups, but not other groups.

This feature makes use of a new privilege, Add and Delete Users from a User Group. See User Group Access Permissions for details.

Attribute-level Access

It is possible to restrict access to individual stream attributes based on user group membership (like the current stream-level access based on user groups).

System Performance


System performance when deleting Streams, Applications and Packages has been improved.

Graphical User Interface


File download messages are no longer toast (pop-up) messages.

Right mouse menus now appear above toast (pop-up) messages.

Form building

You can now drag a dashboards or stream actions onto the NavBar (the application menu bar) in a form, to create a button which opens the dragged dashboard, or runs the dragged stream action.

More information on drag and drop functionality in forms can be found here.


Dragging an object onto a container which already contains it now gives a message indicating that the object is already in there.

The system now alerts you if one of the objects on a form (e.g. Default Date Format in the System Configuration) has been changed, and saving the parent object is required., SO that the referring object is saved also. This fixes an issue where, for instance, System Configuration wouldn't automatically pick up changes in the Default Date Format it references. 

Objects which can be enabled can now be enabled from the right click menu. If a number of the same type of object are selected, this will enable them all.

There is now a button to download data from the detailed users list.

There are now updated icons for Locale and Language, allowing them to be more easily differentiated.

Data Modelling


Minimum and maximum can now be used as the aggregate function for TrueFalse (Boolean) stream attributes in a pivot view.

Auto generating a stream from a database collector will now use the datasource instance expression, if one is provided, instead of the default instance.

Stream Views

If an aggregating stream view has a sort order applied which includes attributes which are not on the view, the aggregate may not work as expected. There is now a warning when this occurs.

When creating a stream view attribute with the count aggregate function an error would appear if the user did not enter a new stream view attribute name. Now, if no name is entered, the stream view attribute will take the name of the stream attribute.

Task Plans

Task Plans can now be unsuspended from the right click menu.

Attempting to redo a task plan which suspended itself on failure will now prompt the user, asking if they would like to remove the suspension, and run the task again; or just roll back the data.


Column filters can now have line breaks in them, so that you can now search in a text field for a text snippet including a line break.

Filtering is now available on the list of privileges in the role editor.

Application Building

Layout components

Layout Components Show Horizontal Scrollbar and Show Vertical Scrollbar are now displayed only where relevant.

There is now a Display Name field on stream view components and card containers. If the display name is entered it will be shown on forms instead of the component name.

Style fields Auto Size, Direction, Justify and Align have been added to areas, forms and card containers to allow automatic resizing and repositioning of components as the dashboard window is resized.

Chart View

There is now an Edit Chart Scale option in the charts right-click menu. With this, you can quickly access and edit the chart scale. Where a graph has very large figures and very small figures, it can be useful to change the scale to see different data ends in detail.


HTTP Collector and Exporter

HTTP requests will be encoded according to the Content-Type Header character set, if provided. If not provided, a default encoding will be used.

Database Exporter

Database Exporters can now correctly use _inputMultiplier in their statement expressions.

File Collector

You can now drag file collector attributes onto streams on the modelling pane. This will create streams attributes in the stream, based on the dragged file collector attributes. 

File collector attributes can no longer have "." characters in their names. This change is to make them consistent with the rules for naming stream attributes.

When configuring a file collector to read managed files, if the default name is used (eg. New FileCollector_4) the default tag used by the file collector will be the same as the name. Previously, if the default name was used, the default tag was New FileCollector.

Data Export

When exporting a grid view, the file will now be named using the view name, not the stream name.

Bug Fixes

Graphical User Interface

Error Messaging

Improved error messaging on several of the error messages that can be created by tasks run by buttons.

Improved error messaging for context variable evaluation errors.

Improved error messaging when a duplicate file name is used for excel multi input export.

Improved error messaging when a file exporter fails because an expression field on the exporter evaluates to a list, instead of a string.

Improved error messaging when a filter fails because the filter cannot be applied to the stream attribute data type.

Improved error messaging when trying to open a pivot view which has no pivot column source set.


Fixed an issue that was causing user groups to sometimes not to be displayed, after pressing the button to show all user groups.

Fixed an issue preventing some users from viewing the layout templates section in the repository.

Fixed an issue where the Pipe View hyperlink for pipes was not working correctly.

Fixed issue which prevented the stream attribute drop down list loading on the aggregate attribute editing form.


Fixed an issue causing the name of certain objects to appear as '(empty)'.

Fixed problem with saving model containing unviewable objects.

Fixed problem with stream views list sometimes showing in the top left corner.

Fixed problem with large expression editor unpinning its parent property editor.

Fixed problem with action progress indicator remaining visible on the screen after the action was finished.

Fixed problem with Show outputs and Show inputs buttons displaying unviewable objects.


Analysis Models

Fixed an issue where pipes were not correctly validated when used in a switch statement.

Fixed an issue where submitting integer fields with one or more leading zeroes was causing either: incorrect values to be saved; or an error message to appear.

Database Collectors

Fixed an issue where a database collector with a blank datasource instance expression and multiple instances still ran. It will now error.

File Collectors

When configuring a file collector from an Excel file, if a cell contains an formula error it will be ignored.

Fixed an issue which prevented uploading of files with a comma in the name.

HTTP Collectors

Fixed an issue with HTTP Headers, where leaving the value field blank caused an error.


Fixed issue where a stream attribute, created by dragging a 'Distinct' aggregate attribute from a pipe, was the wrong type; it will now be an integer.

Fixed an issue which caused pipe filters to fail when changes were made to stream attributes used in the filter.

Fixed an issue on pipes where Data To Read is set to Custom; the To Offset and From Offset fields are now editable without deleting the whole entry, and they now display without a decimal point. The allowed range for these fields is 9999999 to -9999999.

Application Building

Fixed problem with resizing columns on action drop-downs.

Fixed problem with clicking on drop-down scroll bars.

Fixed problem with incorrectly displaying tabs component, if a tab's header height did not specify the unit (px, % etc.)


Fixed an error which prevented filtering a list of stream attributes by order.

Fixed a bug where column filters would close, when clicking on the large text editor associated with that filter.

Chart Views

Fixed problem with displaying lines on barcharts.

Fixed problem with chart tooltips remaining visible after closing a dashboard.

Fixed various problems with horizontal barchart axis labelling.

Fixed problem with the chart legend overlapping the graph data.

Configuration Export / Import / Copy


Fixed problem with duplicate import success messages.


Fixed problem with export pane layout.

Fixed problem exporting dashboards' Keep data flags.



Fixed an issue with inbound emails, where the email body was not saved for emails with no attachments.

Please let us know if we could improve this page feedback@phixflow.com