PhixFlow Help
Install Java
Install the latest version of Java 1.8.
Java 32-bit v. 64-bit
Install the 64-bit (x64) version unless you have a specific reason to install the 32-bit (x86) version.
PhixFlow will run with Java 32-bit, but will heavily restrict the amount of memory that you can use.
You may need to update the security settings to allow strong encryption and decryption of files.
For Java 1.8.0_151 and later, the "crypto.policy" Security property must be set to unlimited for the JRE used by PhixFlow. In the JRE directory /lib/security/ file alter the line:
# crypto.policy=unlimited
Uncomment this line (remove the "#") so it now reads:
It is recommended that you use the latest version of Java. For versions before Java 1.8.0_151 you must install the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy files.
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