Formatting Rule

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Formatting Rule

A Formatting rule allows you to specify an expression which evaluated can apply the selected style to the parent object. It allows to apply styles conditionally, depending on current values displayed on the screen.

A Formatting Rule can be assigned to a Stream View Attribute or to a Layout Component. When assigned to a Layout Template, all Layout Components created from the Template will have a copy of the Formatting Rule  assigned.

The toolbar has the standard iconsFor information about the sections Parent Details, Analysis Models, Description and Audit Summary, see Common Properties.  For information about other property tabs, see Property Tabs.

For each Formatting Rule, the following settings are configured:

Basic Settings
Rule Expression

Expression to be evaluated on order to determine should the Style be applied. This expression takes PhixFlow Internal Variables including _current, _field, _itemNumber and _this.

See examples below.

StyleStyle to be applied when the Rule Expression evaluates to true.
OrderOrder of the Rule Expression.
EnabledFlag showing is the Rule Expression enabled.
Stop If TrueFlag showing if other rules shouldn't be applied if the current Rule applies.
DescriptionDescription of this Formatting Rule.


Rule Expression_field.value == "OK"

Creating the above configuration record for the View Attribute "Status Type" will produce the following result on the view.


The same result above could also be produced by the following configuration on Stream View Attribute "Status Type", which uses the value of another attribute "Status Summary" on the current record.

Rule Expression_current.StatusSummary=="Validation Passed"

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