PhixFlow Help
Export Stream Data
The ability to export data is controlled by the "Export Stream Data" permission. Users with this permission can export all data from streams, packages and applications even if they would not otherwise have the correct access permissions to view the data.
The Stream Data Export pane can be used to export data from selected Streams, Applications or Packages. The pane can be opened from the Administration Menu in the bottom right of the screen. Select Streams for data export by dragging them from the repository to the export pane. Streams can be selected individually or an Application or Package may be dragged onto the pane to export data from all Streams in that Application or Package.
If a password is specified on the export pane then all data will be encrypted, and the password will be required for import. If a password is not specified then all data will be exported unencrypted.
The compress tick box on the export form can be used to compress the exported data files. If this is not ticked the data will be exported as an uncompressed zip archive.
This process can be used to export data from Streams to import into another system. For import the Streams must already exist on the target system so a Configuration Export may be required to create the Streams before data can be imported.
Export Rule
When streams (or applications or packages) are dragged onto the export pane, they will appear under an Export Rule. This determines which stream sets are exported from those streams. The default option is to export all stream items. To edit the rule, double click on it. The rule may be set to a number of stream sets or a date range. If a number of stream sets is specified these will be the most recent stream sets from the stream. The date range will select stream sets with a to date within the selected range. Stream Data Export will export both OK and invalid/incomplete Stream Sets. A different rule can be added for each stream or one rule may be used for all streams in the export. When exporting a package or application the same rule will apply to the whole package.
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