User Notification Rule

PhixFlow Help

User Notification Rule

This page explains how to use the user notification rule settings to configure PhixFlow to send emails automatically.


Use the user notification rule properties tab to define a rule for an email notification. A file exporter or task will use this rule to decide whether or not to email the user.

This properties tab is not available from the repository. It opens from:

For information about the properties toolbar, and about the sections Parent Details, Analysis Models, Description and Audit Summary, see Common Properties.  For a full list of all the PhixFlow property tabs and windows, see Property Tabs.

Basic Settings

Email AsSet the send-type of email:
  • To
  • Cc
  • Bcc

Enter a PhixFlow expression that evaluates to:

  • either 1 which means true. PhixFlow sends the email
  • or 0 which means false. PhixFlow does not send the email.

For emails generated by the completion of a task plan, you can specify the message level that causes the email to be sent. Use the internal variables _errors, _warnings, _messages and _suspended.


This section has a toolbar with standard buttons and  Users

The grid contains a list of users to be emailed if the rule expression is true. To add existing PhixFlow users to an email list: 

  1. Click  Users to list the users in the repository.
  2. Drag users into this list to add them to the list.

To remove users from the list, use the toolbar button  Permanently Delete.

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