Creating Actionflows

This page is for application designers who want to create actionflows to add functionality to an application screen. For actionflow concepts, see Understanding Actionflows.

On a screen, any component that has an  Actionflow tab can be configured to trigger an actionflow to run. 

To create an actionflow:

  1. On a screen, click a component to display its properties. Components that can have actionflows are:
    • buttons
    • grid views
    • card/containers
    • areas
    • form fields.
  2. There are 3 ways to add actionflows. In the component properties →  Actionflow Settings:
    • Adding via an event handler
      • click  Add New
      • Event Type select an event type
      • Action Method select Actionflow
      •  Save
      • Actionflow, click  Add New
    • Adding via an action directly
      • Action Method select Actionflow
      • Actionflow, click  Add New.
    • Quick add for buttons
      • Right click on a button and select Add actionflow
        Adding an actionflow by right-click on a button
  3. PhixFlow opens the actionflow canvas.
  4. Drag actions from the toolbar onto the central canvas 
  5. Wire the actionflow and connect
    • instance inputs
    • action nodes
    • instance outputs (optional)

For more detail on actionflow nodes and wiring, see Using Actionflow Nodes and Wiring Actionflows.

What's next?

Wiring Inputs Into an Actionflow

Using Actionflow Nodes

Wiring Actionflows.

Terminology changes in progress

As part of the redesign of PhixFlow, we are changing the following terms:

dashboard → screen   
stream → table
stream attributes → attributes
stream item → record
stream set → recordset
stream view → view
stream item action → record-action 
stream action → table-action
driver class → database driver