Linked and Driving Views or Forms


You can link data together so that the contents of one grid view, form or card component is filtered based on item(s) selected in a different grid view, which is referred to as a driving view.

For example, in a driving view grid the user selects a business and in a second view a list of contacts for that business is displayed.

Setting up Links Between Two Views

A grid view is automatically a driving view when any filter expressions in a second grid view reference it by name.

To make a grid view dependent upon the driving view, set up a Filter which uses at least one condition with an expression containing the driving view's name. e.g. Business. An example condition expression is shown below, Name is an Attribute in the driving view:

BusinessName equals BUSINESS.NAME

A view filter can be setup automatically by dragging any attribute header from one view onto a second view, form or card container. The first view will become the driving view.

Setting up Links Between a View and Form

Grid views can be used to filter the content displayed on a form, as illustrated by the screenshot below.

This is setup by dragging the header for the attribute UID* from the grid view directly onto the desired form. This will automatically setup a background filter on the screen element that will look similar to the example below e.g. filter the content for a selected record:


To edit the filter:

  1. Right-click on the the screen.
  2. Select Show Element Details. 
  3. See Background Filer Rules.
  4. Double-click the rule to see its details.

Setting up Links Between a View and Card Container

To filter a card container based on a driving view, set up a Filter which uses at least one condition with an expression containing the driving view's name. This will be setup automatically if you drag an attribute header from the grid view onto the card container. This is illustrated below: