Creating Users
Users are added through the “User list” which shows all users configured in PhixFlow. To add a new user please carry out the following (note that you must have the privilege “Administer Users, User Groups and Roles”):
Open the User List
Open the user list by expanding the section User. You can change users from local to mixed and mixed to local by dragging the user name to a different domain in the repository.
Users in the repository. The users are grouped by the domain from which they authenticate or local, for users whose authentication is managed by PhixFlow. Users are classed as local, mixed or external depending on their authentication and authorisation configuration; seeDetailed User List
You can open the detailed users list by right clicking on the header
Users in the repository and selectingAdd a User
To add a user, in the repository right-click on User; see the Add NewUser page for details of the properties you can set for each user, and of how to add users to user groups.
Users and clickAssociating Multiple Users to a User Group
If you are creating multiple new users who require the same user group then these users can be added in bulk to the user group by the following method:
- Create each user individually.
- Open the User Group to which you want to associate the users.
- In the user list, highlight all the users you want to add from the user group. Use Shift+click or Ctrl+click to select multiple users.
- Drag the selected list into the Group Members tab of the user group.
Please note, in this method you are dragging and dropping Users onto the User Group window rather than User Groups onto the User window. The overall effect is the same in PhixFlow, this method is just described as it may be easier when creating a large number of users all associated to the same User Group.
For more information on who can add or remove user group access to a user, see the User Group page Access Permission section.
Deleting Users
Note that Users are referenced in several places within PhixFlow e.g. they may be the recipient of emails sent by file exporters or task plans. If a user is deleted, all references to that user will be removed. Note however that log messages and audit trails will still maintain a record of the actions performed by a deleted user.
To delete a user open the User list by clicking on the Users button on the left hand side of the main PhixFlow menu. Select one or more users and press the red cross on the top of the list. A warning will appear advising you that you are about to delete the user:
- Press “Cancel” to quit without deleting the User
- Press “Permanently Delete” to remove the User
Note: Please contact your PhixFlow support group if you accidentally delete a user.