User Group

This page is for PhixFlow administrators who need to set up groups of users with access to specific objects, data and processes in PhixFlow. It describes the user group properties. For related information, see the PhixFlow User Administration topic.


Use the user group property tab to add users to a user group. The user group inherits privileges from the roles listed in the property tab; see Roles and Privileges. The privileges provide members of a user group with access to PhixFlow features, modelling objects, display components, actions and applications. If you need to restrict user access to sub-sets of modelling objects, display components etc. you can add the objects to this property tab.

When you add modelling objects or applications to the user group, remember to check their Access Permissions. If All Users Can View Data is unticked, then you must provide access to the object by:

  1. Assigning user groups to the object.
  2. Adding the user(s) to one of those user groups.

Adding or Changing a User Group

To create or change a user group, in the repository scroll down to the User Groups  section. 

To change an existing user group, double-click on the name to open its property tab.

To add a new user group, right-clickUser Groups and select  Create New. PhixFlow opens a property tab where you can enter the details for the new user group.

Property Pane Toolbar

For information about the toolbar options, see the Common Properties page, Toolbars and Controls section.

 Properties Tab

Basic Settings

NameEnter the name of the user group.
External Login Groups

Enter the names of the external login groups that will be mapped to this user group. Use {instance} to include the PhixFlow instance name. See Configure Active Directory Integration for details.

Separate multiple names with a semi-colon. Spaces are taken to be part of the group name.

External Login Groups EvaluatedPhixFlow displays the names of the External Login Groups with this PhixFlow instance name filled in where {instance} has been used.


The grid contains a list of users assigned to this group; see User. To add a PhixFlow user to the list:

  1. Click  Users to list the users in the repository.
  2. Drag users into this list to add them to the group.

Only existing PhixFlow users can be added to a group in this way. To add external users, use the Basic Settings → External Login Groups  field set a group (or groups) of external users, then map the external login group(s) to a PhixFlow user group. 

To remove users from the group, use the toolbar button  Delete.


The grid contains a list of user groups assigned to this role; see Roles. To add a user group to the list:

  1. Click  Roles to list all the user groups in the repository.
  2. Drag user groups into this list to add them to the role. 

To remove user groups from the role, use the toolbar button  Delete.


The grid contains a list of the tables assigned to this group; see Table. To add tables to the list:

  1. Click  List Tables to list the tables in the repository.
  2. Drag tables into this list to add them to the group.

To remove roles from the group, use the toolbar button  Delete.


The grid contains a list of screens assigned to this group; see Screen. To add screens to the list:

  1. Click screen Screen to list the screens in the repository.
  2. Drag screens into this list.

To remove screens from the group, use the toolbar button  Delete.


The grid contains a list of the views assigned to this group; see View. To add screens to the list:

  1. Click  Show view to list the tables in the repository. Expand a table to see its views.
  2. Drag views into this list.

To remove views from the group, use the toolbar button  Delete.


The grid contains a list of the table-actions assigned to this group; see Table-Action. To add table-actions to the list:

  1. Click  Record-Action to list the table-actions in the repository. Expand a table to see its table-actions.
  2. Drag table-actions into this list.

To remove table-actions from the group, use the toolbar button  Delete.


The grid contains a list of the applications assigned to this group. To add applications to the list:

  1. Click  Applications to list the applications in the repository.
  2. Drag applications into this list.

To remove applications from the group, use the toolbar button  Delete.


A list of the filters assigned to this group. To add filters to the list:

  1. Click  Filter  to list the tables in the repository. Expand a table to see its filters.
  2. Drag filters into this list.

To remove filters from the group, use the toolbar button  Delete.

Sort Orders

The grid contains a list of the sort orders assigned to this group. To add sort orders to the list:

  1. Click  Sort Order  to list the tables in the repository. Expand a table to see its sort orders. 
  2. Drag sort orders into this list.

To remove sort orders from the group, use the toolbar button  Delete.

Access Permissions 

Restrict Who Can Manage
Members of this User Group

Users with the Administer Users, User Groups and Roles privilege can always add or remove a user from this group.

 Untick so that users with the Add and Delete Users from a User Group can also add or remove a user from this group.

 Tick to add an additional constraint. PhixFlow adds a User Groups list to this section. Users with the Add and Delete Users privilege can only add or remove a user if they are also a member of a group in the User Groups list.

User Groups

Available when Restrict Who Can Manage Members of this User Group is ticked. 

To add specific user groups to the list:

  1. Click  User Groups to list the user groups in the repository.
  2. Drag a user group into this list.

Users with the Add and Delete Users privilege can only add or remove a user if they are also a member of a group in this list.


We recommend that you always enter a description to explain the purpose of this item.

 Security Tab

Access Permissions

See the Common Properties page, Access Permissions section.

 Audit Tab

Audit Summary

See the Common Properties page, Audit Summary section.

Sections on this page