21 Setting default sort orders

21 Setting default sort orders

By the end of this section you will be able to:

  • Set a default sort order on a view

Find the table for this exercise:

  1. Open the analysis model Screens and Forms 01-08: Views, filters and screens
  2. Click on the table Overall Debt Levels, and go to the Sort Orders section.
  3. Add a sort order:
    1. Press .
    2. Name: PaymentMeans,DebtLevel.
    3. Press  Apply.
    4. Press  Show attributes for <table>
       under Sort Order Attributes.
    5. Add PaymentMeans to the list of Sort Order Attributes.
    6. Leave this as ascending (up arrow).
    7. Add DebtLevel to the list of Sort Order Attributes.
    8. Update this to descending - click on the arrow, it will reverse the direction (down arrow).
    9. Press  Apply and Close to save the sort order.
  4. Press  Apply on the table settings.
  5. Open the screen Overall Debt Levels
  6.  Show view configuration for the view.
  7. Set this as the Default Sort Order.
  8. Press  Apply and Close to save your changes.
  9. Go into Application Mode to see the results.

Add a further sort order to the table:

  1. Right-click on the view and press Show the Table Configuration
  2. In the Sort Orders section, press 
  3. Name: PaymentMeans,CalculationDate
  4. Sort by PaymentMeans (ascending), CalculationDate (ascending)

You will use this sort order in the next exercise.

In PhixFlow, any saved sort order used on a view on a table can be used on any other view defined on that table.

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