User Type | Authentication | Authorisation |
local user | User logs in with username and password maintained in PhixFlow | Access is controlled by user groups assigned to the user in PhixFlow |
mixed user | User logs in with Active Directory/SAML | Access is controlled by user groups assigned to the user in PhixFlow |
external user | User logs in with Active Directory/SAML | Access is controlled by external user groups mapped to PhixFlow user groups on login |
If you use an external login system (Active Directory/SAML), you must create accounts with the same username in PhixFlow. However, you do not need to set any password.
For more information, see:
- Configure SAML Integration
- Configure Groups for External Login
- Configure Active Directory Integration.
Users can view and change their own user account details from the window, available from the task bar at the bottom of the PhixFlow window; see User DetailsUser Details.
You can add individual users to user groups. Members of a user group have the privileges of their roles. The privileges provide members of a user group with access to PhixFlow features, modelling objects, display components, actions and applications. For information about how users, user groups, roles and privileges work together, see:
- Managing the User List
- Managing User Groups and Privileges
- Restricting a User from seeing a column in a GRID.
To edit a user account, you must belong to a user group that has a role with the privilege Administer Users, User Groups and Roles.
Adding or Changing a User Account
To create or change a user account, in the repository scroll down to the
Users section.To change an existing user account, double-click on the name to open its property tab.
To add a new user account, right-click. PhixFlow opens a Add Newproperty tab where you can enter the details for the new user.
Users and selectUser Properties
For information about the properties toolbar, and about the sections Parent Details, Analysis Models, Description and Audit Summary, see Common Properties. We recommend you always add a Description that explains the purpose of the item you are creating.
For a full list of all the PhixFlow property tabs and windows, see Properties, Windows, Menus and Toolbars.
Some users need to run analysis on models that include database export. When the datasource has the option Use User credentials on export ticked, PhixFlow automatically logs into the database using the user's:
- the Basic Settings → Login Name
- and Basic Settings → Password.
Basic Settings
Field | Description |
Login Name | Required. Enter a name with which the user will log into PhixFlow. If creating a mixed user the login name must match the name used for the external login provider. |
First Name | Required. Enter the first name of the user. For external users, the first name is supplied by the authentication provider. |
Last Name | Enter the last name of the user. For external users, the last name is supplied by the authentication provider. |
Locale | Required. Select the user's country from the drop-down list. The list of locales available in PhixFlow is a standard list. The presence of a specific locale does not indicate that translations are available for the locale. The locale sets the default date style. It can also change the language of an application if it has a translation table; see Translating an Application Interface. |
Domain | Enter the domain with which the user logs in. For PhixFlow user accounts that are not integrated with other user management systems, enter The drop-down list displays all external login domains for authentication only. These are configured in phixflow-login.xml. |
Organisation | Enter your organisation name. For external users, the organisation name is supplied by the authentication provider. |
Password | Available for local users only. Enter the user's password. Users can change their password:
Password Policy | Required. Available for local users only. Keep the default password policy, or select an alternative. PhixFlow checks that the password meets the requirements configured in the password policy. The default password policy is configured for the PhixFlow instance in System Configuration. |
Default Dashboard | Select a dashboard that PhixFlow will display when the user logs in. |
Default Application | Select an application that PhixFlow will load when the user logs in. Users can override the default by specifying an alternative application in the URL that they use to access PhixFlow. |
Email Address | Enter an email address for the user. PhixFlow uses this address to send notification emails. These are configured in the Send by Email sections of: These link to User Notification Rules. For external users, the email address is supplied by the authentication provider. |
Phone Number | Enter a phone number of the user. For external users, the phone number is supplied by the authentication provider. |
Enabled | Available for local and mixed users only. Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for '_check_box_ticked'. to allow the user to log into PhixFlow. to disable a user account, so that the user cannot log into PhixFlow. When you disable a user account, PhixFlow does not check the account details, such as password or security questions. If a user account is only needed to receive emails sent by PhixFlow task plans or file exporters, tick this box. Untick |
Account Locked | Available for local users only. Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for '_check_box_ticked'. indicates there have been too many login failures and PhixFlow has locked the account to prevent unauthorised access. Untick the check box to unlock the account. The permitted number of login failures is configured in the password policy.the account is unlocked and the user can log in. Untick |
Password Reset Locked | Available for local users with a password policy that permits password reset.
Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for '_check_box_ticked'. indicates there have been too many failed attempts to answer the security questions and PhixFlow has disabled password reset for this user. Untick the check box to allow password reset. The permitted number of reset attempts is configured in the password policy.the user may perform a password reset. Untick |
Open in Design Mode | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for '_check_box_ticked'. to open PhixFlow in for this user. Design Modeto open PhixFlow in the default Untick Application Mode. |
Show the Help Tab on Startup | The Help tab provides a link to the PhixFlow help pages and Training Courses. Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for '_check_box_ticked'. to open the Help tab on the right of the view when the user logs in. The user can: Design Mode
to prevent the Help tab being opened at login. Untick |
Last Activity Time | Read only. PhixFlow displays the most recent time that the user was active in PhixFlow. |
User Groups
This section has a toolbar with standard buttons and . User Groups
The grid contains a list of user groups to which this user belongs. To add a user group to the list:
- Click to list all the user groups in the repository. User Groups
- Drag user groups into this list. This automatically adds the user to the user group.
To remove a user from a user group, use the toolbar button . Delete
For external users, the list of user groups shown for the user is read-only. The user groups are the PhixFlow equivalents that map to the Active Directory user groups; see Configure Active Directory Integration for details.
Security Questions
This section is only available for local users. Enter 3 questions and answers. If a user needs to reset their password, PhixFlow asks one of the questions to verify the user's identity; see Password Reset.
Field | Description |
Question 1 | To configure security questions and answers:
You can save the user properties without specifying any of the security questions and answers. However, once you have added a question and answer for one, you must complete them all before saving the user properties. |
Answer 1 | |
Question 2 | |
Answer 2 | |
Question 3 | |
Answer 3 | |
Last requested reset time | PhixFlow displays the date/time of the last password reset. |
You can save the user properties with none or incomplete security questions and answers.
PhixFlow recommends that users set all three security questions and answers in the /wiki/spaces/HELP81/pages/1750991290 window.
Export Password
This section relates to exported configurations. These are applications, packages or selected objects saved as zip files. You can move exported configurations between PhixFlow instances.
To ensure data security, PhixFlow can encrypt the files. PhixFlow saves the files in the download area for a limited time period; see Configuring the Download Area.
Use the following fields to set a default password for exported configurations.
Field | Description |
Export Password Policy | By default, PhixFlow applies the Password Policy set in System Configuration → Advanced → Export Password Policy. Optionally, select a different password policy to apply different rules about the export password for this user. |
Export Password Not Set | For user accounts with an empty Export Password, use this tick box to distinguish between passwords set as blank, or passwords not yet set. Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for '_check_box_ticked'. indicates you have not set a password for the user. indicates you have set a password for the user, even if the password field is left empty. Untick |
Export Password | This field is available when Export Password Not Set is not ticked. Enter a password with at least 6 characters. Click to switch between displaying the password as text or dots.. Show/Hide Password When the user downloads an exported configuration, the zip file is encrypted and this password is associated with it. The user can enter a different password. If you set a default password, you must tell the user what it is. The user must supply the same password when they import the configuration to another PhixFlow instance; see Using the Download Area. |