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Comment: DOC-124 User page review updates

This page is for PhixFlow administrators who need to set up user accounts in PhixFlow and for users who want to update their account, for example with a new password. It describes the user settings. 

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There are several ways to set up user accounts for PhixFlow.

Local only

Active Directory

Single sign-on 

PhixFlow user - either a "local" user, that is, only defined in PhixFlow, and independent of any other part of your infrastructure; or an "AD" user - that is, a user created automatically in PhixFlow if you have set up integration with Microsoft Active Directory, and a user have logged into PhixFlow by this means.Each user who needs to log into PhixFlow needs to have a user account set up. User accounts that only exist in PhixFlow are known as local users. You can integrate PhixFlow with other user management systems. For more information, see:

Users can view and change their own user account details from the 

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 options, available at the top right of a PhixFlow window.

titleSections on this page

Table of Contents


To edit a user account

that is not your own

, you must belong to a user group that in turn includes a role with privilege Administer Users, User Groups and Roles

Use the user settings tab to add . The user group inherits privileges from the roles listed in the settings tab; see User Group Roles and Privileges.


You can add individual users to user groups. Members of a user group have the privileges of their rolesThe privileges provide members of a user group with access to PhixFlow features, modelling objects, display components, actions and applications.

 If you need to restrict user access to sub-sets of modelling objects, display components etc. you can add the objects to this settings tab

For information about how users, user groups, roles and privileges work together, see:

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titleSections on this page

Table of Contents

Adding or Changing a User Account

Basic Settings

FieldDescriptionLogin Name

The login name that the user will log into PhixFlow with.

If this user is going to run tasks that include database exports, if the Datasource has

Adding or Changing a User Account

To create or change a user account, in the repository browser scroll down to the 

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To change an existing user account, double-click on the name to open its settings tab.

To add a new user account, right-click

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 and select 
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. PhixFlow opens a settings tab where you can enter the details for the new user.

Basic Settings


Some users need to run analysis on models that include database export. When the datasource has the option Use User credentials on export ticked,

this username will be used to log onto the database to perform the export

PhixFlow automatically uses the Login Name and Password to log into the database.

Language of the user. Select a language If ticked, the user can receive SMS alerts, if configured n a PhixFlow process, to the phone number defined in their user details
Login Name

Required. Enter a name with which the user will log into PhixFlow.

First NameFirst Name Required. Enter the first name of the user.
Last NameLast Name Enter the last name of the user.
LanguageLocaleRequired. Select the user's country from the drop-down list.

Enter the domain that the user logs in with.

This can be local, for users that exist independently in PhixFlow, or one of the configured active directory domains, if an integration with active directory has been set up. See Configure Active Directory Integration for details.
OrganisationThe users Organisation. For local users this is free format text. For AD users this is the Organisation supplied by AD.

This is only visible for local users. You can set For PhixFlow user accounts that are not integrated with other user management systems, enter local.

For users configured via active directory, enter an active directory domain.

OrganisationEnter your organisation name. For users configured via active directory, this is the organisation name supplied by active directory.

Available for local users only. Enter a password for the user the user's password by updating this field.

If this user is going to run tasks that include database exports, if the Datasource has the option Use User credentials on export ticked, this password will be used to log onto the database to perform the export

Users can change their password here if they have the privilege Administer Users, User Groups and Roles. Alternatively, they can change their password from the 

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 menu → 
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User Details tab.

Confirm PasswordThis is only visible Available for local users only. Confirmation of the Password entered aboveRe-enter the password to confirm it.
Password Policy

This is only visible Required. Available for local users only. The Password Policy  PhixFlow checks that the user's password will be checked against. The built in Password Policy is selected by default. The default system password policy can be changed in the System Configuration editor.Administrators can select another option password meets the requirements configured in the password policy. By default, PhixFlow shows the password policy configured for the whole system; see System Configuration.

If you want this user's password to use different rules that have been defined in a policy, select the policy from the drop-down list. See the Password Policy Details form.

Default DashboardDefault dashboard of Select a dashboard that PhixFlow will display when the user . Select a value from the drop-down list.logs in.
Default ApplicationThe default application is the application that will be loaded Available when?? Select an application that PhixFlow will load when the user logs in if they haven't specified an . Users can override the default by specifying an alternative application in the URL that they use to access PhixFlow.
Email AddressEmail Address of

Enter an email address for the user.


AD users this is the email address supplied by AD.

users configured via active directory, enter an active directory email. 

Phone NumberPhone

Enter a phone number of the user. 


AD users this is the phone number supplied by AD

users configured via active directory, enter an active directory phone number.

EnabledThis is only visible

Available for local users

. Disabled users can still receive


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 to allow the user to log into PhixFlow.

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 for user accounts that you set up to receive emails sent by PhixFlow task plans or file exporters

, but they cannot log in to

. User accounts with Enabled unticked do not permit the user to log into PhixFlow.

Account LockedThis is only visible

Available for local users

. If ticked, the user's account is locked due to too many login failures. Untick


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 the account is unlocked and the user can log in.

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 indicates there have been too many login failures and PhixFlow has locked the account to prevent unauthorised access. Untick the check box to unlock the account. The permitted number of login failures is configured in the password policy.

Send Alerts by SMS

PhixFlow models or applications may be configured to send SMS messages to users.

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 to allow PhixFlow to send SMS alerts to this user's Phone Number

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 to prevent PhixFlow from sending SMS alerts to this user.

Send Alerts by EmailIf ticked, the user can receive email alerts, if configured in a PhixFlow process, to the email address defined in their user details

PhixFlow models or applications may be configured to send emails to users.

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 to allow PhixFlow to send emails to this user's Phone Number.

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 to prevent PhixFlow from sending emails to this user.

Open in Design Mode

If ticked, the user's default mode is the Design Mode. Otherwise the default mode is App Mode.

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 to open PhixFlow in
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 for this user.

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 to open PhixFlow in the default 
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Last Activity TimeThe last time PhixFlow display the most recent time that the user performed an action in PhixFlow.

User Groups

This section has a toolbar with standard buttons and 

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The grid contains a list of user groups to which this user belongs. To add a user group to the list:

  1. Click
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     to list all the user groups in the repository.
  2. Drag user groups into this list to add them to the role. 

To remove a user group from the role, use the

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 in the toolbar.

For Active Directory users, the list of user groups shown for the user is read-only. The user groups are the PhixFlow equivalents that map to the Active Directory user groups; see Configure Active Directory Integration for details. 

Security Questions

This section is only available for local users. Enter up to 3 questions and answers. If a user needs to reset their password, PhixFlow asks one of the questions to verify the user's identity; see Password Reset.

Question 1The user's first security question.
Answer 1The answer to the first security question.
Question 2The user's second security question.
Answer 2The answer to the second security question.
Question 3The user's third security question.
Answer 3The answer to the third security question.
Last requested reset timePhixFlow shows the (read-only) date/time of the last password reset link.
Current Reset Attempts

PhixFlow shows the number of failed password-reset attempts.