
This page is for PhixFlow administrators who need to assign roles, with their associated privileges, to user groups. It describes the role properties. For related information, see the PhixFlow User Administration topic.


Roles represent the type of access required to do specific tasks in PhixFlow, for example, Designer, User, Administrator. Roles and user groups are linked, and user groups have privileges because of their roles. For more information about how users, user groups, roles and privileges are connected, see pages in the User Administration topic.

For information about the properties toolbar, and about the sections Parent Details, Analysis Models, Description and Audit Summary, see Common Properties.  We recommend you always add a Description that explains the purpose of the item you are creating. 

For a full list of all the PhixFlow property tabs and windows, see Properties, Windows, Menus and Toolbars.

Adding or Changing a Role

To find roles, in the repository scroll down to the  Roles section and expand it.

To change an existing role, double-click on the name to open its property tab.

To add a new role, right-click Roles and select  Create New. PhixFlow opens a property tab where you can enter the details for the new role.

Property Pane Toolbar

For information about the toolbar options, see the Common Properties page, Toolbars and Controls section.

 Properties Tab

Basic Settings 

NameRequired. The name of the role.


The grid contains a list of the privileges assigned to this role; see Privileges. To add more privileges to the list:

  1. Click  Privileges to list all the privileges in the repository.
  2. Drag privileges into this list to add them to the role.

To remove privileges from the group, use the toolbar button  Delete.

Double-click a privilege to open its property tab. Expand the Roles section to see the specific user roles to which this privilege is assigned.

To add a privilege to several roles at the same time:

  1. Double-click a privilege to open its property tab.
  2. Expand the Roles section, which lists the specific user roles to which this privilege is assigned.
  3. Click the toolbar icon  Roles to list all the roles in the repository.
  4. Drag the roles into the list.

User Groups

The grid contains a list of user groups assigned to this role; see User Group. To add a user group to the list:

  1. Click  User Groups to list all the user groups in the repository.
  2. Drag user groups into this list to add them to the role. 

To remove user groups from the role, use the  Delete in the toolbar.


We recommend that you always enter a description to explain the purpose of this item.

 Audit Tab

Audit Summary

See the Common Properties page, Audit Summary section.

Sections on this page