

Function: stop()

The purpose of this function is to stop the processing of data.

It will cause the analysis for the recordset to stop and add the defined warning message in the log.

Analysis Modelling

All tables in an Analysis Model preceding the table where stop() function is called will be marked as complete.


When updating existing records using an Actionflow the tables preceding the action node where the stop() function is called will be complete.

When inserting new records using an Actionflow, when the stop() function is called all recordssets will be marked as incomplete.



messageStringMessage to be output to the log. The message can be an expression but must evaluate to a string.


In this example, if the rate value is not found then there is no point continuing so a warning message is added to the log file and analysis for this recordset stops. No records are written to the database for this recordset.

ifNull(in.rate,stop("Missing rate value"))

In this example, an error() message is recorded in the log directly before the processing of records is stopped. This is useful where an error message is required in the logs.

		error("Missing rate value")
		stop("Processing being stopped")

Process Functions



Stops the processing and records a warning in the logs. Can be placed after an error to stop the processing.


Continues processing, records an error in the logs, and displays the message in a popup to the user. 
systemError()It is the same as error() but with no error popup.


Continues processing, records a warning in the logs, and displays the message in a popup to the user. 


It is the same as warning() but with no warning popup.
infoContinues processing and records the debug message in the logs.
debugContinues processing and records the debug message in the logs.

See Also