
Function: jumpTo()

jumpTo() can only be used within a Stream Attribute or Stream Item Action Attribute expression. Whenever jumpTo() is called, processing jumps immediately to the Stream Attribute which is provided as the argument to this function. The value of the Stream Attribute that you are jumping from, and all the Stream Attributes jumped over, are set to _NULL and any cached values of these attributes are not updated.



attributeStream AttributeThe name of the Stream Attribute


if ( isNull(in.rate), do( addElement( $errors, "Missing rate value" ), jumpTo(errorField) ) )

If the rate value is not found then there is no point continuing with this record so an error message is added to a list of errors found so far and processing skips to the attribute named errorField. Typically errorField would be the last attribute for this Stream and could be used to convert the list of errors found into a single error string to be recorded against this record.

See Also