Connection Points
Fiona Sargeant (Unlicensed)
Zoe Baldwin
Anthony George
Sarah Gibson (Unlicensed)
Use the input and output connection points on nodes in an actionflow to wire the nodes together.
- From the Inputs pane on left, into the actionflow.
- From one node to another within the actionflow.
Hover your mouse pointer over a node and click Add Output to add an connector to another node. - From a final actionflow node to the Outputs pane on the right of the actionflow.
Connection points available depend on the purpose of the node.
- Output connection points:
- Calculate
- Gate
- View
Nodes without an output connection represent:
- either the end of actionflow processing: Save Action Configuration, Open Screen Action Configuration and Open URL Action Configuration
- or processing out of the actionflow: Analysis Action Configuration
When you wire nodes together, you need to map which attributes pass through to the next node. To change the mapping, click on the connector to open the Mapping window.
Node properties have sections for Input Connection Points and Output Connection Points on the node. Double-click on a listed connection point to open its properties.
The properties available for connection points vary depending on the node on which they occur.
Driving and Lookup Connection Points
- If you connect a node via a driving connection, records are returned individually to the connected node and flow one by one through the remainder of the actionflow.
- If you connect a node via a lookup connection, the records are returned as an array within one recordset. Nodes wired via lookup connection points require both:
- Data Attributes: add attributes from the view. PhixFlow looks-up data from these attributes.
- Request Attributes: when the actionflow runs, PhixFlow returns the data to these attributes.
The following sections explain the properties for input and output connection points.
Connection Points
Open the Properties for each connection point (input, lookup, output) by clicking on the node.
Properties Tab
Parent Details
If this item is within or belongs to another, its parent name is shown here. See the Parent Details section on the Common Properties page for more details.
Basic Settings
Field | Description | Connection Point Found On |
Name | The name of the Actionflow. |
Action Phase | The |
Field | Description | Connection Point Found On |
Minimum Records | The minimum number of records that the Actionflow needs to run. If the received records are not above the minimum set, the Actionflow will not run. |
Maximum Records | The maximum number of records that the Actionflow is permitted to run. If the received records exceed the maximum set, the Actionflow will not run. |
Input Parameters
Field | Description | Connection Point Found On |
Name | The name of the input parameters (attributes) mapped into the Actionflow. |
Type | The data type (e.g. integer) of each input parameter (attribute) mapped into the Actionflow. |
Default Expression | A value or expression that is evaluated when no value is mapped to the attribute, or if the value is null or unavailable (e.g. if the user did not have permission to see it). Default value expressions do not use the order they are set in and are automatically resolved in the appropriate order based upon other attributes they reference. For referencing attributes, use the notation, If ${_NULL} is entered, this will convert to a null value, not an empty string. |
If the Run Action tool is used on an Actionflow containing Default Expressions, the default values can be overridden on the Run Action window using the tick boxes. True/false fields with a Default Expression of
will be toggled off. To enable, tick the tick box and toggle on.
Input Connection Points
Input Connections
A grid of Input Connections.
Open Screen Action Input Connections
The following properties are available for Input Connections for Open Screen action nodes only.
Field | Description |
Role | Specify whether the actionflow will provide data to the view or screen being opened.
Type | Available when Role is Component. Specify the type of connection:
Open Mode | Available when Role is Component. For example, When a screen opens, specify how data fields will display:
Attributes | A list of attributes available on the input connection point. These directly link to the fields available on the form.
Data Attributes
This section has a toolbar with standard buttons. The grid contains a list of the attributes that will pass through the wire into this node. All nodes can have a driving input connection, which passes data records one-by-one into the node.
To refer to these attributes in an expression, specify the names of the connection point and attribute with the syntax:
Double-click on an attribute in the list to display tje properties related to this node and connection. This can include Name, Type, Component, Primary Key etc.
- To create a new attribute: click
Add New and set the Name and Type; see Attribute.
- To add an existing attribute to this list, open the list of attributes and drag one onto the grid.
- To open its properties, double-click one of the listed attributes.
- To remove an attribute, select one and click
The Calculate and Analysis nodes, and their connection points, can have an attribute type of Structured Data. Use this if you need the Actionflow to pass a list (an array of values), such as a list of identifiers.
Request Attributes
Available for View,
Gateway and
Calculate nodes, which can have Lookup connection points.
This section has a toolbar with standard buttons. The grid contains a list of the attributes that you want to lookup from another table. Lookup connections pass a complete set of records into the node.
To refer to these attributes in an expression, specify:
Double-click on an attribute in the list to display its properties related to this node and connection. This can include Name, Type, Component, Primary Key etc.
- To create a new attribute: click
Add New and set the Name and Type; see Attribute.
- To change its properties, double-click an attribute in the list; see View Attribute
- To delete an attribute, right-click and select
The Calculate and Analysis nodes, and their connection points, can have an attribute type of Structured Data. Use this if you need the Actionflow to pass a list (an array of values), such as a list of identifiers.
Output Connection Points
This section is not available for actions that do not require output connections because they represents the end of actionflow processing, e.g. Save, Open Screen, Open URL, and Analysis nodes.
For all other nodes, the output connection point has an expression that specifies the logic to control whether or not records flow to the next action node. The syntax for a driving connection is:
The syntax for a lookup connection is:
If the expression evaluates to true for the record flowing through the node, it will pass through the connection point onto the next node in the sequence.
Properties Tab
Basic Settings
Field | Description |
Name | Enter a name for the output connection point |
Order | Enter a number to indicate the order in which this expression will be run. The order is very important for exclusive gateway nodes, as the records pass through the first output connection that meets the expression condition. |
Expression | Enter an expression that evaluates to true or false to specify whether or not records pass through this connection point. To work in a larger popup window, click See also: |
Gateways can have an unlimited number of output paths. If the Gateway Action Configuration is Exclusive, records only pass through the first output path where the expression condition is met.
Actionflow Connector Properties
Connector properties do not include the name.
Basic Settings
Field | Description |
Input | The name of the node at the start of this wire. |
Input Connection Point | The name of the connection point. |
Output | The name of the node at the end of this wire. |
Output Connection Point | The name of the connection point. |
To remove a mapping, right-click and select Delete Mapping
Input Mappings
The left grid contains a list of attributes available from the input.
Output Mappings
The right grid contains a list of attributes available to map to in the output.