Bulk Update Node

This page provides details of the properties for the Bulk Update Node.


Use a  Bulk Update node to bulk update records (including saving new records) to a table. The Bulk Update node will update all records which satisfy the specified filter criteria set on the node. 

The node will only update records from a table with a Period of Transactional.

The Bulk Update node will not update the audit history on a table (i.e. Audit Manual Changes has been enabled).

To persist the audit history of the records, see Save Node.  


  1. When creating a Bulk Update by default Tables with Audit Manual Changes enabled will not be shown in the available list.
  2. Enable Allow Audit Table to display Tables with Audit Manual Changes enabled.

 Properties Tab

Parent Details

If this item is within or belongs to another, its parent name is shown here. See the Parent Details section on the Common Properties page for more details.

Basic Settings

NameEnter the name for the action node.

The table in which the records will be updated. This table must have a Period of Transactional.

Data Retrieval Option

Data Range
  • Latest, selects data from the latest recordsets.
  • All, selects data from all recordsets (default).
Filter CriteriaSpecifies the criteria by which the records will be selected. See Filter → Filter Details

Filter Parameters

The grid contains a list of incoming attributes which can be referenced by the Data Retrieval Options using the notation ConnectorName.AttributeName e.g. in.MyAttribute.

  • To add a new Filter Parameter, in the section toolbar click  Add New and set the properties.
  • To edit an existing Filter Parameter, double-click it in the list to open its properties.
  • To remove a Filter Parameter, select one and in the section toolbar click  Delete.

The Filter Types are mapped to using the incoming connection.


We recommend that you always enter a description to explain the purpose of this item.

Advanced Settings

Prioritise throughput over ordering

When this option is ticked records are processed in parallel to optimise performance. This means the order records are processed is nondeterministic.

When unticked (default), records are processed in the order they are provided.

 Audit Tab

Audit Summary

See the Common Properties page, Audit Summary section.

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