HTTP Action Properties
HTTP Node Properties
Use a
HTTP to make HTTPS requests to external APIs.Worked Example
For full details on how to create a HTTP node, including videos and worked examples, see HTTP Action Configuration.
Properties Tab
Basic Settings
Expects literal values or expressions encapsulated within ${} syntax, for example ${in.MyValue}
Field | Description | Example Value |
Name | Name given to the HTTP Node. This will be displayed on the Actionflow canvas. | BankHolidays |
HTTP Method | The HTTP method. A drop-down field allows users to choose an HTTP method from the following options:
If Other is selected, a Custom Method must be specified consisting of only uppercase letters. |
URL Template | A template that computes the URL of the request. If using the URL to pass across parameters, care should be taken to ensure that the values are appropriately URL encoded. | https://server/phixflow/api/1/action/App/Api/trigger?field=abc |
Body Template | Optional. If this is provided then it is used to carry the HTTP request data. If a body is provided then usually Content-Type and Content-Length headers lines specify the nature of the body associated. In PhixFlow if this evaluates to whitespace only then it is not included in the request. The body expects literal values, or expressions encapsulated within ${} syntax, for example | //JSON Example { "Industry" : "${in.Industry}" } |
Error Expression | Optional. A JEP expression to determine if the response is an error and if so, send on the Error Output Connection Point. The expression will have access to the input record (in) and the mapped output response (_result). | _result.isError |
Log Traffic | Toggle on System Console, e.g. see an error returned, or see the output before specifying a path. to log the response of the HTTP request in theUse this when testing but switch off once testing is completed. | |
Maximum HTTP Log Length | Available if Log Traffic is toggled on .Restricts the size of the log traffic. | 1000 |
Use Raw URL | Toggle on to send the URL Template value in exactly the format it is provided to the HTTP Node.If toggled off PhixFlow will transpose values to form a valid URL, such as replacing spaces with %20. | |
HTTP Configuration | See HTTP Configuration Properties |
Input Connection Points
Can Accept a single . Driving input connection point
The grid contains a list of all input connection points and their type.
- To add a new input connection point, in the section toolbar click to open a new input connection point and set its properties; see Add NewInput Connection Points.
- To edit an existing input connection point, double-click it in the list to open its properties.
- To remove an input connection point, select one and in the section toolbar click . Delete
Output Connection Points
The grid contains a list of output connection points, by default this will be out and error.
Output Connection Point | Description |
Out | Contains the resulting record of the request. |
Error | Contains the resulting record of the request where it satisfies the error expression specified on the HTTP Node. |
Output Record
An HTTP Node has two output connection points out
and error
. An HTTP Node is triggered for each input record and will generate one output record which will be sent on either the out or error output.
The resulting record contains the attributes specified by the output connection point, successful records are passed down the out
connection point and records containing an error
are passed down the error connection point. The stricture of the records by default is as follows:
body: The content returned by a successful request, for example, JSON content
- contentType: The type of response provided by the target HTTP request, for example,
application/json; charset=utf-8
- status: The returned status code, for example,
- statusMessage: The returned status message, for example,
- cookies: Returns an array of cookie name, domain, etc.
- isError: Returns true if the response contains a 400+ error code
- headers: Returns an array of header values
- statusFamily: Returns the status family code, for example if status returns
, then statusFamily will return200
- transmissionError: Returns true if the request failed, e.g. timed out
Connect to a JSON Action Properties or XML Action Properties to the output connection to interpret the response into individual records.
Are typically used to specify information for the request such as character sets, session tokens or passwords. Headers can make use of the Secret Key Details see below. For more information see HTTP Header.
For example,
- Name:
- Value:
text/xml; charset=UTF-8
Parameters are used to transmit values within a URL. They are automatically added to the end of the URL the HTTP action is calling, with the format: ?param1Name=param1Value¶m2Name=param2Value
- The Parameter values are automatically encoded into a format suitable for passing via a URL
- Refer to attributes mapped into the HTTP action using the syntax: ${ConnectorName.AttributeName} in the Expression
- The parameter names must match those set on the API
See HTTP Action Configuration for an example.
Secret Key Details
Secret Keys allow sensitive data such as passwords or security tokens to be encrypted and stored in the PhixFlow Database.
Secret keys have a name which they can be referenced by using the syntax ${_datasource.keyName}
. For full details on secret keys, see Secret Key and Local Secret.
Retry allows automatic reattempting of the the HTTP connection under the conditions specified by the Retry Expression.
For example:
A transmission error or timeout occurs
Specific status codes are returned
Specific response body or headers are returned
Care should be taken if setting an automatic retry in response to a timeout as it may not always be appropriate, e.g. if the HTTP action causes a job to be started on a target system, receiving a timeout does not mean that the job was not started, therefore retrying (and possibly starting multiple processes or updates on a target system) might not be the desired solution.
Returned Results
Expressions use _result to access the last response and tracking information. The initial requests will get a partially populated _result record. Using _result allows the action to modify the request, such as to follow redirects or links, or submit a token returned by the previous request.
Retry Properties
Field | Description |
Retry Expression | The default is false. Enter an expression that when it evaluates to true, the connection will be reattempted, instead of continuing through the Actionflow. |
When a Retry Expression is entered, the following options are available: | |
Retry Interval Expression (ms) | The default value is 1000. Enter an expression that when it evaluates to an integer, it determines the amount of time between attempted requests. |
Maximum Retries | The default value is 3. This is the maximum number of times the HTTP action will try the HTTP connection before continuing. This must be an integer between 1 and 60. |
We recommend that you always enter a description to explain the purpose of this item.
Field | Description |
Connection Timeout (s) | The maximum time to wait to while attempting to create a connection, measured in seconds. The default for this is set to 300 seconds. |
Response Packet Timeout (s) | The maximum time to wait between responses from the data packets, measured in seconds. The default for this is set to 180 seconds. |
Prioritise throughput over ordering | When this option is ticked records are processed in parallel to optimise performance. This means the order records are processed is nondeterministic. When unticked (default), records are processed in the order they are provided. |
More Options > Run Action
Individual action nodes can be run in isolation from the rest of the Actionflow, using the HTTP option, found under Run Actionthe More Optionsmenu on the HTTP action's Properties. See Running Actions and Actionflows.