Delete Action Properties
Use a node to delete selected records from a table. Delete nodes will delete records that where the Primary Key for the selected record(s) match those on the specified table. Delete A delete node will only delete records from a table with a Type of Transactional. The Delete node will persist Audit History of records when they are deleted. This is achieved by superseding the previous record and adding a new deleted record into the next recordset. This persists the history of the record. If you wish to purge records from your PhixFlow system entirely, including Audit History, see Bulk Delete Action Properties. For full details on creating Delete nodes, including worked examples, see Delete Action Configuration. If this item is within or belongs to another, its parent name is shown here. See the Parent Details section on the Common Properties page for more details. The table in which the records will be updated. This table must have a Period of Transactional. See Table. Enable to automatically delete unmapped attributes from the input, matched by the UID. The data type of the attribute mapped to the Delete node. See Understanding Data Types. Where the selected table is a , the delete action can handle the associated file differently to the records, if required, e.g. delete the records but not the file. Note: File TableThe deletion/moving of the file occurs before the records are deleted. Choose from: Shows when Archive the associated file to specified directory is selected. Specify the directory where the archived file should be moved to. When this option is ticked records are processed in parallel to optimise performance. This means the order records are processed is nondeterministic. When unticked (default), records are processed in the order they are provided. We recommend that you always enter a description to explain the purpose of this item. See the Common Properties page, Access Permissions section. See the Common Properties page, Audit Summary section.Delete Node Properties
Worked Example
Properties Tab
Parent Details
Basic Settings
Field Description Name Enter the name for the action node. Table Auto Save Attributes Mapped Attributes
Field Description Name Enter the name for the attribute mapped to the Delete node. Type File Tidy Up Settings
Field Description When Records are Deleted... Archive Directory Advanced Settings
Field Description Prioritise throughput over ordering Description
Security Tab
Access Permissions
Audit Tab
Audit Summary