JSON Support

JSON Support

JSON documents can be created in PhixFlow using the toJson function and the output modified using the following notations.

Curly Brackets { }

  • Use curly brackets to create an object, e.g. { "FirstName" : "John", "LastName" : "Smith", "Age" : 50 } 

Colon : and Dot . 

  • Use a colon to define a key-value pair, e.g. { "key" : "value" } 
    • The key must always evaluate to be a string
    • The value must always evaluate to be a string, number, object, array, boolean or null
  • Use a dot to access the key and value, e.g. $foo.key:$foo.value 

JSON parsing in expressions ignores any key-value pair where the value is unavailable.

Example using curly brackets, colon and dot

Simple Example - Input
	// Retrieve the records from the lookup, getCo, and store each record in the variable $company
	forEach($company, getCo,

		// Using the $company object, create the key-value pairs
					"Company ID"   : $company.CompanyID
					"Company Name" : $company.CompanyName		
					"Industry"     : $company.Industry
				// Sector is unmapped or the user running the action does not have access to the data.
				// Sector will be entirely omitted from the results
					"Sector"	   : $company.Sector
  "Romaguera Inc" : {
    "Company ID" : 108,
    "Company Name" : "Romaguera Inc"
	"Industry" : "Manufacturing"
  "Becker and Sons" : {
    "CompanyID" : 112,
	"Company Name" : "Becker and Sons"
    "Industry" : "Manufacturing"  
  "Larson Inc" : {
    "CompanyID" : 398,
	"Company Name" : "Larson Inc"
    "Industry" : "Manufacturing"
Advanced Example - Input
	// Convert the data from the lookup, getCo, to JSON and store it in the variable $company
	forEach($company, toJson(getCo),

		// Using the $company object, create a key-value pair where the key is the Company Name and
		// the value is an object containing two key-value pairs of the CompanyID:value and Industry:value
		$company.CompanyName : $company.CompanyID:Industry
  "Romaguera Inc" : {
    "CompanyID" : 108,
    "Industry" : "Manufacturing"
  "Becker and Sons" : {
    "CompanyID" : 112,
    "Industry" : "Manufacturing"
  "Larson Inc" : {
    "CompanyID" : 398,
    "Industry" : "Manufacturing"

At @ and Dollar $

  • @ can be used to reference the current object
    • It allows access to any key-value pairs that have already been set
    • Use the syntax @.^. to traverse upwards 
  • $ can be used to reference the outer object of the current object being created
    • It will allow access to any key-value pairs that have already been set 

Example using @ 


	forEach($company, toJson(getCo),

        $company.CompanyName : { 
			$company, // $company is a JSON node, so all the attributes from this node are added to the node we are building.
			"CompanyName" : toUpper(@.CompanyName) // This Company Name attribute overwrites the one in the $company JSON node

Note the use of @ as a shortcut for the current object, which is $company. 

  "Romaguera Inc" : {
    "CompanyID" : 108,
    "CompanyName" : "ROMAGUERA INC",
    "Industry" : "Manufacturing"
  "Becker and Sons" : {
    "CompanyID" : 112,
    "CompanyName" : "BECKER AND SONS",
    "Industry" : "Manufacturing"
"Larson Inc" : {
    "CompanyID" : 398,
    "CompanyName" : "LARSON INC",
    "Industry" : "Manufacturing"

Example using $

	forEach($company, toJson(getCo),

        $.Count : {$company,"CompanyName" : toUpper($company.CompanyName)}

Note the use of $.Count as a shortcut for the outer object of the current object being created.

  "Count" : 2,
  "2" : {
    "CompanyID" : 398,
    "CompanyName" : "LARSON INC",
    "Industry" : "Manufacturing"

Date Handling

JSON support now automatically converts date and date-time values into a their corresponding string representation.

The output format is:

  1. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS.Z
  2. For example: 2024-09-13T16:19:10.000Z

See Date and Time Format Patterns

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