Unpack PhixFlow Release Package

PhixFlow Help

Unpack PhixFlow Release Package

Unpack the Release Package

Copy the PhixFlow release package with a name matching phixflow-x.y.z-yyyymmdd.zip to the release area $RELEASE on the server. By default $RELEASE is at [c:]/opt/phixflow/release.


Change the owner and group of the release package to tomcat:phixflow:

chown phixflow-x.y.z-yyymmdd.zip tomcat:phixflow

Switch to the tomcat user (makes sure that login scripts are run. The syntax for this may vary between operating systems:

sudo -i -u tomcat

Change back to the release directory and unzip / unpack the release:

unzip phixflow-x.y.z-yyyymmdd.zip


Unzip the release package using WINZIP or similar.

Release contents

On both linux and windows this will create a release with the following contents:


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