Drag Type

PhixFlow Help

Drag Type

Drag Types are used to differentiate between  data from different sources for the purposes of drag and drop actions.

The following fields are configured for Drag Types:

Basic Settings
NameThe name of the Drag Type.


A free text description field for the stream.

In order to use the drag and drop actions two things are needed. First the stream view that data is to be dragged from requires a drag type, go to the desired stream view and select the required drag type from the drop down list, or use the + button to create a new one. Next the stream view that the data is to be dropped to will need a drop target. Go to the target stream view and under the drop targets heading click on the + button. For this new drop target choose the desired drag type and the action that should run when something of that drag type is dropped onto this stream view. 

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