
PhixFlow Help


A style is a container for Style Elements (CSS Styles). A style can be assigned to objects (i.e. Layout) or used to provide default formatting (i.e. selected grid rows).

For each style, the following settings are configured:

Parent Details

The Container (Application or Package) containing this Style. Container is a drop down field listing all Containers for this instance which the user has permission to view.

Basic Settings
NameName of the style.

Style Elements

A list of of the style elements. For each style element, the following settings are configured:
NameName of the style element.
ValueThe style value.

Choose one of:

  • Focus
  • Mouse Down
  • Move Over
OrderThe order in which the style element will be applied.
DescriptionDescription of this style.

Form icons

The form provides the standard form icons.

See Also


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