Logical Functions

Logical Functions

True and False

The values True and False are represented by 1 and 0 respectively in PhixFlow and any function which returns a logical value will return either 1 or 0.

Please also note that any non-null, non-zero value will be treated as True by the logical functions.

Comparator Type

Some logical functions may take a Comparator Type parameter which specifies the comparison operations.

Specify the 2 items to compare and the comparator string as required by the logical function. For example, a comparator in a field condition has the syntax:


Comparators are used within the containing logical function and evaluate to either true or false.

Comparator strings are:

ComparatorEvaluates to True when...Types handled
_LESS_THANitem 1 is less than item 2numeric, alphabetic
_GREATER_THANitem 1 is greater than the item 2numeric, alphabetic
_EQUALSitem 1 is identical to the item 2numeric, alphabetic
_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALitem 1 is identical to or greater than the item 2numeric, alphabetic
_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALitem 1 is identical to or less than the item 2numeric, alphabetic
_NOT_EQUALSitem 1 is not identical to the item 2numeric, alphabetic
_STARTS_WITHitem 1 starts with the string specified in item 2alphabetic
_NOT_STARTS_WITHitem 1 does not start with the string specified in item 2alphabetic
_LIKEitem 1 is like the item 2alphabetic
The following comparators, _IS_NOT_NULL and _IS_NULL, only have 1 item, which is compared to null.
_IS_NOT_NULLitem 1 is a non-null string or value.numeric, alphabetic
_IS_NULLitem 1 is null.numeric, alphabetic

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