View Action Properties

View Action Properties

View Node Properties

When you are designing screens, you use a view to select and filter data for display. In an Actionflow, the originating screen or component may not include all of the data that the actionflow requires. In this case, use a   View node to select and filter additional data to use in the actionflow.

 Views vs Lookups

There are two kinds of View.


  Views return a set of individual records which flow through the Actionflow one-by-one.

Typically, Views are used where the data requires processing, e.g. sending emails to individuals.

This is the most common type of view.


Lookups are a type of View but they return records as an array within one recordset

Generally, Lookups are used where data requires listing, e.g. to display in a filter.

Worked Examples

For full details on how to create View nodes and use them to create views or lookups, including videos and worked examples, see View Action Configuration and Lookup Configuration.

 Properties Tab

Property Pane Toolbar

For information about the toolbar options, see the Common Properties page, Toolbars and Controls section.

Parent Details

If this item is within or belongs to another, its parent name is shown here. See the Parent Details section on the Common Properties page for more details.

Basic Settings

NameEnter the name of the action node.
Primary Table

Read-only. PhixFlow displays the table where the view attribute originates.

Data Retrieval Options

Data Range

Select the data range that the view node will use:

  • All: use all the data 
  • Latest: use only the latest data.
Include History Records Tick to include superseded records in the view data. 
Default Sort Order

The sort order determines the order the data is displayed.

Select a sort order, or click  Add New  to create a new one; see Sort Order

Default Filter

A filter determines what data is retrieved.

Select a filter, or click  Add New to create a new one; see Filter.

Case Sensitivity on Filters

If PhixFlow is running on a SQL Server database, filters will not show the case sensitive option. 

Output Attributes

Output attributes are the attributes provided by the view or returned by a lookup on the view. 

The grid contains a list of the attributes in the view. Click  to show the list of available attributes from the primary table. Drag the attributes you want to add to the view into this list.

In the list:

  • To edit an attribute's properties, double-click the attribute. See View Attribute.
  • To delete an attribute, select it and click  Delete in the Output Attributes section header.
NameEnter the name of the action node.

Select the type of data this attribute contains; see Understanding Data Types.

  • String
  • Bigstring
  • Integer
  • Float
  • Decimal
  • Date
  • Datetime
  • Graphic
  • TrueFalse
Aggregate Function

This is the list of available aggregate functions.



This function returns the arithmetic average value of an attribute from records with the same key value.

In detail, it returns the sum of all values for a key value, divided by the number of values that are not null.

It is only available for numeric attributes.


This function returns the number of non-null values of an attribute from records with the same key value.

This function returns the number of unique values of an attribute from records with the same key value. There is no single attribute function equivalent of the distinct pipe function.


This function returns the maximum value of an attribute from records with the same key value.

It is available for numeric, string and date/time attributes.

Strings are ordered alphabetically, with the shortest strings first.


This function returns the minimum value of an attribute from records with the same key value.

It is available for numeric, string and date/time attributes.

Strings are ordered alphabetically, with the shortest strings first.


The percent function is only available for PhixFlow instances running on an Oracle database.

This function can be applied to a numeric field, to return the percentage of the sum of values for each key value in relation to the total sum of values.

You should use this function in conjunction with one or more grouping attributes - each combination of values from these grouping attributes gives a key value.

For example, you have a table with 2 fields:



and you create a grid view:

  • dragging in the attribute Label - which automatically becomes a grouping attribute when one or more of the other attributes are aggregated
  • dragging in the attribute Number, and applying the aggregate function Percent
  • setting the rounding on the view attribute Number to 2 decimal places

This will give the view:


This function returns the sum of all values of an attribute from records with the same key value.

It is only available for numeric attributes.

Also see Aggregating Data

Filter Parameters

These are used to perform the lookup on a view. They are assigned a value by the mapping screen in the Incoming Mappings tab and are referenced by name no pipe prefix is required.

Create a new attribute

  1. Click  Add New 
  2. Set the Name and Type; see Attribute.

Change the properties of an attribute

  1. Double-click an attribute in the list; see View Attribute

Delete an attribute

  1. Right-click and select  Delete.

Map a Value to the Parameter

Parameters are used in the request to perform a lookup, obtaining their value from an attribute in the actionflow via the mapping screen.

  1. Click on the connector coming into the Lookup node.
  2. Request (Incoming) Mappings 
    1. Map attributes from the calling action node e.g. a calculate, to the View.
    2. Parameters can be dynamically created and mapped by dragging attributes from the calling action node into the drag-and-drop area on the parameters side.
  3. Click Next
  4. Return (Outgoing) Mappings 
    1. Map attributes returned by the view (defined in the output mappings above) to the calling action node.
    2. Attributes can be dynamically created on the calling action node and mapped by dragging attributes from the view attributes into the drag-and-drop area of the calling action node.

See also Lookups with Dynamic Parameters.

Output Connection Points

The grid contains a list of all output connection points.

  • To add a new output path, in the section toolbar click  Add New to open a new output path and set the expression; see Connection Points.
  • To edit an existing output path, double-click it in the list to open its properties.
  • To remove an output path, select one and in the section toolbar click  Delete.


We recommend that you always enter a description to explain the purpose of this item.

 Access and Audit Tab

 Security Tab

Access Permissions

See the Common Properties page, Access Permissions section.

 Audit Tab

Audit Summary

See the Common Properties page, Audit Summary section.

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