

Forms: Drill Down View

Displays the stream data used to generate a Stream item or Alarm.

CenterView constructs a filter on the stream set to show those records relevant to a particular Stream Item.

If a Drill Down View has been set up on the driving pipe, only those attributes specified in the view will be displayed.

The form is divided into two parts: the main form, including the output data from the drill down object itself, at the top of the form. Below this is an input data window, where for each input stream an Input Data form is displayed, containing the input data that was used to generate the output data.

Form: Drill Down View

Form Icons

The following icons are only available if the drill down object is an Alarm:

Opens the Alarm that generated the output data.

See the Alarm Details form.

Opens the Alarm Generator that defines the conditions which caused the Alarm to be created.

See the Alarm Generator Details form.

The following icons are only available if the drill down object is a Stream:

Opens the stream configuration.

The following icons are available on all Drill Down views:

Opens and displays the model predecessors of the drill down object.

Brings up a list of input Pipes. If one is selected with a single click, the data retrieved from that pipe is brought into focus, in the input data window. If one of the pipes is selected with a double click, the configuration of that Pipe is displayed.

Form: Input Data

To drill down further, select "Drill Down" from the context menu of an item on the Input Data form. A new Drill Down view will be opened.

Form Icons

The following icons are available on Input Data forms:

Opens the stream configuration for the input data.

Opens the pipe configuration for the pipe linking this input to the drill down object.

Exports the data in the input data form to a database using a Database Exporter. To do this, the Database Exporter that has been set as the Drill Down Exporter in the Pipe is used.
Any filters applied on the pipe will be applied when the data is pushed to the drill down exporter, so it is possible that not all of the data in the grid will be exported - some records may be rejected by the filter.

Export the data in the input data form to an Excel spreadsheet.

Shows the complete stream item detail of the input data in a grid, a type of Chart.

See Also