

Forms: Stream Action Attribute

A Stream Action Attribute defines a change that can be applied from a Stream View to a single field of a Stream Item.

A Stream Action Attribute is always a part of a Stream Action.

The following are the top-level configuration parameters for Stream Action Attributes:

Form: Stream Action Attribute Details

Field Description
Attribute The Stream Attribute that will be modified.
Order The order in which the Stream Action Attributes are presented and also evaluated as part of the stream action

The expression used to generate the new attribute value. This is written as a CenterView Expression.

You can reference selected records from other dashboard views by using their view names within the expression:- i.e sum(ACCTS.amount) will sum up all the selected records 'amount' values from within the dashboard view named ACCTS.

If you want to refer to the current values of the record you are about to update then you simply refer to the attribute name with no prefix.

You can reference fields from any user input form associated with this action by referencing the form field name prefixed by _prompt.

The usual message functions debug(message), info(message), warning(message), and error(message) are all available to be used in these expressions and will result in messages being written to the system console logs.

However special attention should be taken when using the error(message) function as this will also STOP the action from being completed completed for the current stream item. It will not stop the action from updating other stream items though.

Form Icons

The form provides the standard form icons.

See Also