PhixFlow Help

Managing issues with alarms

Adding notes and attachments

Open the Dashboard User Course: Debt Overview. Select the entry with description CustomerRef = CR220200 in the driving view and press Update the dashboard using the selected rows to bring up invoices and payments for this customer.
Sort the view Customer Invoice Details ... by InvoiceDate. Sort the view Customer Payment Details ... by PaymentDate. If you look through the two lists you will see that the invoice generated on 22/11/2008 has no payment.
In this case your PhixFlow modeller has also configured PhixFlow to raise alarms for these cases. You will now open these alarms, and record your findings against the relevant alarms:

  • On any data record in the driving view right-click and select Show Alarms for this Chart
  • Find the alarm with description Customer: CR220200 has debt: 56.78
  • Double-click the alarm to open the details form
  • Press the Add a new note button -  on the Notes tab. You don't have to do this to add a note, but doing this will include a heading for a new entry and the current date and time. Under the note heading you just added, enter some text with details of this problem:

Noticed that payment for invoice 22/11/2008 seems to be missing.
In addition to adding this note you will attach a file with further information on this case. There is a snippet of an email message concerning this customer in
[training root directory]\train\miscellaneous\Introduction\email snippet customer CR220200.txt
Your trainer will let you know what your [training root directory] is. If you are training on laptops provided by PhixFlow Solutions, this will be C:/PhixFlow, so the email snippet will be in the file
C:\PhixFlow\train\miscellaneous\Introduction\email snippet customer CR220200.txt
To attach this to the alarm:

  • Double-click on the alarm to open the details form
  • Go into the tab Files
  • Press the button Add a new item - 
  • The File Upload form will pop up; press the button Open the file browser - ; navigate to the file with the email snippet and select this file from the file browser
  • The file with the email snippet should now show in the File Upload form; press OK - 
  • You should now see the file attached to the alarm
  • Double-click on the entry in the Files tab in the alarm details to open the file from PhixFlow
  • Press OK on the alarm details to save your changes

Assigning alarms

Open the alarm you opened in the previous exercise with description Customer: CR220200 has debt: 56.78
In exercise 8.1 you added a note and attachment. You decide that you can go no further with this case, so you decide to assign the alarm to another team (alarms in PhixFlow can be assigned to individual users, or teams (user groups)).

  • Using the drop down menu against the field Owner, select Billing Team
  • This will now show as the owner of the alarm
  • Also update the Status field to Investigation
  • Press OK on the alarm details to save your changes

Closing alarms

Open the alarm with description Customer: CR220206 has debt: 42.54.
Since the outstanding debt is less than £50 you decide that this case is not serious enough to investigate further.

  • Double-click on the alarm to open the details
  • Update the Status field to Closed
  • At the same time, to record the reason for closing this alarm – set the Closure Reason to Ignored

    Remember that PhixFlow is very configurable. If you get too many alarms raised and you have to ignore lots of them – or you see the same alarm again and again – talk to your PhixFlow modeller. They can change the rules so that alarms are only raised for relevant and important cases.
    Also remember that alarm statuses, priorities and closure reasons are all configurable. If the settings in these fields are not suitable for your process – talk to your PhixFlow modeller!

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