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Form: Aggregate Attribute

Aggregate Attributes define the aggregated properties that are available when data is read from an aggregating Pipe. Note that Aggregate Attributes are not available on Pipes from Database Collectors (any aggregation can be performed in the query SQL), nor are they available on Pipes from File Collectors.

Possible aggregate values are counts, summations, averages and maximum or minimum values of Stream Items grouped in the Sort/Group tab of the Pipe.

Aggregate FunctionThe Aggregate Function e.g. Count or Sum.
AttributeThe name of the Stream Attribute to be aggregated. Note that the value in this field is not used if the Aggregate Function is Count.
New Attribute NameA new name for the aggregated attribute. Note that this can be the same as the original Attribute.

Only aggregate attributes which can be aggregated. For example, do not try to sum an attribute which contains text.

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