PhixFlow Help


Forms: Log File

For each Task Plan or Analysis Task run, a Log File is generated. These can be viewed in the Task Logs view. While a task is running the Log File can be viewed in the Active Tasks list, once it has finished it can be viewed in the Completed Tasks list.

Form: Log File Details

Field Description
Owner The Analysis run owner.
Started The date and time that this Analysis run was started.
Finished The date and time that this Analysis run finished.
Initiator Type The PhixFlow object that was used to launch this Analysis run.
Tasks The number of individual Tasks that were run as part of this Analysis run.
Info The number of information messages contained in the Log File.
Errors The number of error messages contained in the Log File.
Warnings The number of warning messages contained in the Log File.
Cancelled Whether this Analysis run was cancelled by a user.

Form Icons

The form provides the following icons:

This icon is only available if this Log File is the result of a request to rollback and redo the Stream Sets from a previous Analysis run. Pressing this brings up the Log File for the original Analysis run.

Log Messages

The Log Messages in this Log File. The user can drill down on each message to see further detail.

Imported/Exported Files

The Imported and Exported Files for this Analysis run.

Form Icons

The form provides some of the standard form icons.


The Alarms for this Analysis run.

Form Icons

The form provides the standard form icons.

Stream Sets

The Stream Sets for generated by this Analysis run.

Form Icons

The form provides the following icons:

Attempt to run analysis again for any failed Stream Sets.

Roll back the data for each Stream Set, and run Analysis again. Note that when data is rolled back, any subsequent - "downstream" - Stream Sets will also be rolled back. After "reprocessing" a Log File in this way, the Log File will be flagged as "Reprocessed", and no Stream Sets will be associated with it.

Roll back the data for each Stream Set. Note that when data is rolled back, any subsequent - "downstream" - Stream Sets will also be rolled back.

See Also

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