
PhixFlow Help


This page is for administrators who need to configure location-specific settings for PhixFlow.

The locale specifies location-specific settings. You can set the locale:

  • for the whole PhixFlow system in System Configuration → General Settings → System Locale 
  • for users in Basic Settings → Locale.

The toolbar has the standard iconsFor information about the sections Parent Details, Analysis Models, Description and Audit Summary, see Common Properties.  For information about other property tabs, see Property Tabs.

NameEnter the name of the locale.
Language NameSelect the language. To add a language to this list, see Language.
Date Style Name

Select the date style for this locale. To add a new entry to this list, see Date Style Mapping.

For example to represent dates in a US format for US users, set up a US Date Style. For each Date Time Format add a Date Style Mapping with a US date format and the US Date Style. This way for users with a US locale, the date will be displayed in the US format.

Application builders use the locale to translate text strings and date formats; see Translating an Application Interface for details.

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